Sunday 19 October 2008

Everyday is like Sunday.

I've been forgetting to blog again. I need to get myself into some sort of once-weekly blogging routine ... not that I really have anything to post about. Just the same old, same old ... uni, work, uni, work, pub, sleep. That's about it!

Last night, bestie & I had a girly night in, complete with crap television, popcorn, & mojitos, which got less & less like mojitos as the night went on, and more like shots of rum and lime. Needless to say, we ended up on the wrong side of tipsy, and staggered off to bed at 4am, only to be woken hours later with the worst hangovers of our lives. Ah well. The price to pay for drunken good times!

Today I visited my grandma, who has just returned from a trip to Malta, and she brought me back the most beautiful necklace - a glass pendant in the shape of a cross, with blue and gold streaked through it, kind of like a marble. I adore it! I also saw my uncle and two young cousins, who were absolutely on top form - small children are so hilarious! Came home to a lovely dinner and a glass of wine with my mum, and now I'm supposed to be helping her put songs on her mp3 player before I write up some seminar exercises for uni tomorrow. Blah!

I finally bought my patent Dr Marten boots, and I love them - I've hardly taken them off my feet since they arrived this week. They're so comfortable, and definitely keeping my feet dry in this horrible weather. Next on my list is a red knitted beret and some raspberry coloured opaque tights. I'd love some patent red mary janes but I think I've bought enough shoes this month, what with my brogues and my DMs and everything else (I've become a DVD-aholic, it's disgraceful).

Speaking of DVDs, I watched In Bruges last night, and I absolutely loved it! It was a bit gory in places and totally miserable at the end, but it was really funny, and I actually didn't hate Colin Farrell as much as I thought I would, ha. Clemence Poesy was absolutely stunning, as usual. And, despite the fact that, for the majority of the film, they were absolutely slating Bruges, I really want to go there, it looks beautiful!!

And because I'm a vain bitch, here's a photo of me as I look right this second - not the greatest of pictures, but whatever! Hardly anyone ever sees me wearing my glasses ...

ps what is everyone dressing up as for Halloween? I can't think of a costume for this year and it's driving me insane!


cupcup said...

lol, at the mojitos turning into rum shots. Classic! and I say yay for raspberry coloured opaque tights! (and to patent Doc Martens) <3

Pandora said...

are we going for that LLT Halloween party this year, then? at LLT mansion of course.

I dont have any costume ideas this year though (which is abit odd since I've dressed up as all things from Jack Sparrow to a bed), so I cant really help you there.

Looking gorgous by the way :)

Kate said...

The necklace from Malta sounds lovely. Very much enjoying the fabulous use of a bit of Morrissey (he kept me company at work today ever reminding me that unless I am he I have no claim to misery lol).

I love your specs <3 my eyes have gone wonly so I need to pick some newbies soon. And of coures YAY DM's, you've certainly been waiting long enough for them!

Belowen said...

Go as Scooby Doo! I really want that costume for myself, lol.