Sunday 28 September 2008

Living for the weekend.

It's been a good weekend, what with payday being on Friday and everything. I got a nice long lie yesterday, because my shift at work didn't start until two, which was a nice change from having to rise at the crack of dawn every Saturday morning! Work was dull as ever, but passed pretty quickly, and I bought myself some thick grey tights and a new black knitted beret to cheer myself up at the end of my shift, so it wasn't too bad.

The night out planned was for a friend's birthday, so I went over to another friend's place to get ready - I wore my new vintage black high waist skirt with a black singlet, grey tights, black mary janes with a very high heel, and a brilliant chunky gold necklace that my mum produced from nowhere and apparently hasn't worn since the eighties (and she's been hiding it from me all this time, tskk). We got ready, had a glass of wine and watched a little bit of the X Factor, before rushing off into town to what was possibly the most crowded bar in Glasgow. We met everyone and proceeded to get very merry on these amazing pineapple cocktails that were on offer - and, of course, the obligatory tequila slammer or six. We then moved onto a wee club up the road, where we danced the night away to cheesy pop and r'n'b, and crawled to the chippy and then to the taxi rank at about half three. A good night was had by all, I think!

Today I felt very, very rough as I stumbled into work, wearing huge, torn up, baggy old Levis, an aa tee and some beat up old converse, but I made it through the day and come home to curl up on the sofa with season five of Scrubs and a big bowl of pasta & pesto. Mmmm.

Tomorrow my mum and I both have the day off, so we're going to see the new French film I've Loved You So Long at the gft, then do a bit of shopping and probably have a coffee. I might see if I can bully her into going for sushi, I have a craving, and my healthy eating has been wayyy off recently (I'm ashamed to admit that I had a Burger King today ... ugh. Not my fault, though. The hangover demanded it!) So I'll be off to bed so I can get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow.

(bestie and I, drunkenly posing in the club toilets. Classy? No.)


Ale. said...

It's great to hear you had a pretty fun weekend sweetie! I don't think I could manage working at a place that sold clothes, basically because I'd end up completely broke!

I can't help eating BK every now & then either. I love my Double Stacker (I'm gross, I know). Here we've got a place called Bembos, that's much better quality & tastes much better too.

The metalic nail polish is by Wet N' Wild. So far it looks good, I like it. We'll see how it goes after taking a shower, because those normally chip.


embot said...

Ha, yeah, I usually AM completely broke. I've got a huge pile of clothes in the stockroom put by for myself, but I can't actually afford them, lol.

Ooh, let me know how the wet n wild goes then! I usually put a clear coat on top anyway so maybe it won't chip too bad :D

Kate said...

Gorgeous hair! Glad you had a good weekend pet, and you must tell me what the film is like, I've been wanting to see it for a couple of weeks but somehow I don't think I'm going to make it to la cinema :(

Belowen said...


cupcup said...

I love the picture! What a roomy public bathroom though, tell the clubs here to get it going! I'm tired of stalls. lol!